
Cat Stories

Lynx – Back To His Old Self

Hyperthyroid cat Lynx - now cured at The Hyperthyroid Cat Center, Wetherby

Lynx had started losing weight even though he was eating lots of food. He had other noticeable symptoms such as licking his fur excessively (irritation), being sick and howling for more food.

We took Lynx to the vets who diagnosed him with Hyperthyroid. The vet went over the treatment options and we decided to go for the radio-iodine treatment. We were worried about the fact that Lynx would have to stay at the centre and that he would need to be kept in his own room when he came home.

The day came when Lynx was to have his treatment and I felt a little upset about saying bye to him. I awaited a call from the centre to say how his procedure had gone. The team at the centre were very kind and phoned us frequently to update us on how Lynx was.

For a short while he was kept in confined isolation and then he was moved to a larger room with lots of toys, boxes and bedding to keep him comfy and entertained.  We were told he was eating and toileting fine and overall seemed well.

When Lynx came home he managed his isolation well and quickly began to put his weight back on!  Lynx is now back to his usual self. He doesn’t lick his fur excessively, he has stopped being sick and he is a good weight now.

The best thing is that his radiation levels are now safe and we can let him sit on our lap or beside us. We have our old cat back.

Thank you Hyperthyroid Cat Centre!

We have our old cat back. Thank you Hyperthyroid Cat Centre!

Lynx's Owners