
Cat Stories

Bonnie is Bouncing Back

Bonnie resting in the shade

I cannot thank all of the staff at the Hyperthyroid Cat Centre enough! They saved my gorgeous little man, my 11 year old cat, Bonnie, whilst taking care of him for me, whilst he stayed at the centre for 2 weeks after his treatment.

Bonnie had always been categorised as a ‘Big Cat’ and after I flagged up concerns with my vet over Bonnies weight dropping dramatically and behavioural changes i.e. aggressive behaviour (picking fights with every dog in sight – other than our own dogs), stealing food off the kitchen side (or my dinner plate if left unattended), blood was taken and Bonnie was diagnosed with having an overactive thyroid.

My local vet informed me that there were two types of treatment, tablets or the Radio-iodine treatment, which was a successful cure. Luckily I had insurance and I opted for the Radio-iodine treatment, success rate was a lot higher and I wanted my cat happy and healthy again as soon as possible.

Arrangements were made for Bonnie to be treated at The Hyperthyroid Cat Centre, however as I had a 12-month baby at the time, I was advised that he should stay at the centre for 2 weeks after the treatment (what I thought would be the longest 2 weeks of my life).

Anyway, after dropping Bonnie off for his treatment and leaving teary eyed, I had a call from Andrew the next day, advising that they had carried out the treatment and would be taking bloods in a few days, then being able to confirm if there had been any change in his blood results.  Although I had to wait a few days, the staff called me every day (or emailed me if not reachable), with an update on how Bonnie was doing. This was a massive weight off my mind!

The blood results came back, the treatment was successful, never been so relieved in my life. However, has Bonnie was still radioactive (sounds like some sort of Marvel film), he was kept at the centre for 2 weeks.  I continued to get a call or email every day, I sent treats and prawns and these were passed on by the staff.
At first I was hearing he was growling at the staff (which I wasn’t surprised about, as he was in an unfamiliar surrounding with strangers), honest update from the staff though! I was a few days later told, that with the encouragement of the prawns and treats, he was showing more interest in the staff, slowly becoming more vocal and eventually purring and head-butting staff (Traitor), massive relief though!

I eventually collected Bonnie from the centre, took him home (in isolation for a week) and from then his health started to return to normal, aggressive behaviour disappeared, no longer stealing my tea and his weight increasing slowly and finally returning to his average weight pre-overactive thyroid.  I have followed the post-treatment advice to the letter, Bon has had all of his blood tests and it is good news every time. Last bloods taken last week, heard from Andrew at the centre today, good news again.

As somebody who absolutely adores their cat, if you are in a position where your furbaby might need this treatment, please do not hesitate and pay for the treatment, if you can afford it. Best money ever spent!


I cannot thank all of the staff at the Hyperthyroid Cat Centre enough! They saved my gorgeous little man, my 11 year old cat, Bonnie.