
Cat Stories

Hector Hale & Hearty Again!

Hector - hyperthyroid cat now cured using radio-iodine

The Hyperthyroid Cat Centre in Wetherby is such a fantastic place and we cannot recommend Andrew Bodey and the team highly enough. Our cat Hector was diagnosed with hyperthyroid on the 14th July and by the 18th he had been referred by our local vet, was settled in and had his treatment. Less than 3 weeks later he is now cured without the need for daily medication and back at home looking very fit and well.
For some months we were concerned about our lovely big tabby cat “Hector”. We noticed that he was eating everything in sight and yet losing weight. After a couple of checkups with our local vet it was decided to do some blood tests and low and behold the result confirmed that he was hyperthyroid.
Our vet immediately suggested starting him on medication but after a search through all the treatment options it became clear that in terms of long term benefits radio iodine was the gold standard and the best way forward.
Hector is over 13 and has never been unwell so the thought of trying to get him to take a pill every day was not great and we wanted the best possible outcome for our lovely boy.

There are only a few centres in the UK that offer radio iodine treatment and I rang several to find out a bit more information. There were three things that made us opt for the Hyperthyroid Cat Centre in Wetherby even though it wasn’t the closest to our home.

Firstly, when I made the initial enquiry Joanna, the senior veterinary nurse spent almost an hour on the phone talking through the procedure and patiently answering my many questions. Secondly the Hyperthyroid Cat Centre only treats cats and only carries out the specialist radio iodine treatment and so I felt that our much loved cat would be left in very safe hands. Given that Hector would be spending at least a week with them the type of accommodation was also very important. The last thing we wanted was for him to be confined in a small space with no stimulation. The Hyperthyroid Cat Centre has spacious accommodation for each resident with natural light, a higher level not just ground floor and there is lots of stimulation. The cats are also given very special attention. At one point I thought he wouldn’t want to come home because he was being given 5 star treatment!

After my initial enquiry and lengthy conversation with Joanna the icing on the cake was receiving a call from the vet Andrew Bodey, at 8.30pm who re-iterated everything that Joanna had said and clarified the usual effectiveness of this type of treatment. He explained that in 95% of cases a one off treatment is enough to zap the offending tumour and if not a second treatment can be administered.
The whole process was very quick. Hector had the blood test and diagnosis on the Monday with our local vet and early on Friday morning we travelled from Birmingham to the centre in Wetherby and on arrival at 8.15am we were greeted by Andrew with tea and biscuits. We knew we had done the right thing and by lunch time Hector has received his treatment and was settling in.

We had no hesitation in handing Hector over to their care and we were so impressed by the professionalism and efficiency. The team liaised with our local vet and paperwork was exchanged very rapidly. We were informed at every stage with daily e-mails and phone calls to let us know how Hector was progressing and it was clear that all the staff love their work and caring for cats. When we collected Hector we spend over an hour talking through the next step and any precautions and all of the instructions were clearly written to take away. Joanna jokingly confirmed that he is a messy boy, scattering his litter and food all over the place and I realised that in his absence the house was much cleaner but would we be without him, absolutely not! When we left we were even provided with a large bag of flushable cat litter and given pre-paid boxes for our local vet to use to send off the required blood tests to the lab used by the Hyperthyroid Cat Centre.

The treatment cost and travel was so worth it. Hector is much brighter than he was before the treatment and if we work out the cost of medication for life and the hassle of making sure he takes it, with no guarantees that it will work set against a one off payment, which cures him it is as they say “a no brainer”.
If your cat is hyperthyroid and you are wondering what to do, please call the Hyperthyroid Cat Centre for a chat. I think this is the best possible treatment option for this condition and we are so pleased to have found this excellent centre.

The Hyperthyroid Cat Centre in Wetherby is such a fantastic place and we cannot recommend Andrew Bodey and the team highly enough. Our cat Hector was diagnosed with hyperthyroid on the 14th July and by the 18th he had been referred by our local vet, was settled in and had his treatment. Less than 3 weeks later he is now cured without the need for daily medication and back at home looking very fit and well.
For some months we were concerned about our lovely big tabby cat “Hector”. We noticed that he was eating everything in sight and yet losing weight. After a couple of checkups with our local vet it was decided to do some blood tests and low and behold the result confirmed that he was hyperthyroid.
Our vet immediately suggested starting him on medication but after a search through all the treatment options it became clear that in terms of long term benefits radio iodine was the gold standard and the best way forward.
Hector is over 13 and has never been unwell so the thought of trying to get him to take a pill every day was not great and we wanted the best possible outcome for our lovely boy.

There are only a few centres in the UK that offer radio iodine treatment and I rang several to find out a bit more information. There were three things that made us opt for the Hyperthyroid Cat Centre in Wetherby even though it wasn’t the closest to our home.

Firstly, when I made the initial enquiry Joanna, the senior veterinary nurse spent almost an hour on the phone talking through the procedure and patiently answering my many questions. Secondly the Hyperthyroid Cat Centre only treats cats and only carries out the specialist radio iodine treatment and so I felt that our much loved cat would be left in very safe hands. Given that Hector would be spending at least a week with them the type of accommodation was also very important. The last thing we wanted was for him to be confined in a small space with no stimulation. The Hyperthyroid Cat Centre has spacious accommodation for each resident with natural light, a higher level not just ground floor and there is lots of stimulation. The cats are also given very special attention. At one point I thought he wouldn’t want to come home because he was being given 5 star treatment!

After my initial enquiry and lengthy conversation with Joanna the icing on the cake was receiving a call from the vet Andrew Bodey, at 8.30pm who re-iterated everything that Joanna had said and clarified the usual effectiveness of this type of treatment. He explained that in 95% of cases a one off treatment is enough to zap the offending tumour and if not a second treatment can be administered.
The whole process was very quick. Hector had the blood test and diagnosis on the Monday with our local vet and early on Friday morning we travelled from Birmingham to the centre in Wetherby and on arrival at 8.15am we were greeted by Andrew with tea and biscuits. We knew we had done the right thing and by lunch time Hector has received his treatment and was settling in.

We had no hesitation in handing Hector over to their care and we were so impressed by the professionalism and efficiency. The team liaised with our local vet and paperwork was exchanged very rapidly. We were informed at every stage with daily e-mails and phone calls to let us know how Hector was progressing and it was clear that all the staff love their work and caring for cats. When we collected Hector we spend over an hour talking through the next step and any precautions and all of the instructions were clearly written to take away. Joanna jokingly confirmed that he is a messy boy, scattering his litter and food all over the place and I realised that in his absence the house was much cleaner but would we be without him, absolutely not! When we left we were even provided with a large bag of flushable cat litter and given pre-paid boxes for our local vet to use to send off the required blood tests to the lab used by the Hyperthyroid Cat Centre.

The treatment cost and travel was so worth it. Hector is much brighter than he was before the treatment and if we work out the cost of medication for life and the hassle of making sure he takes it, with no guarantees that it will work set against a one off payment, which cures him it is as they say “a no brainer”.
If your cat is hyperthyroid and you are wondering what to do, please call the Hyperthyroid Cat Centre for a chat. I think this is the best possible treatment option for this condition and we are so pleased to have found this excellent centre.