
Cat Stories

Well, it’s nearly 6 weeks and ‘Biscuit’ looks gorgeous

Well, it’s nearly 6 weeks and ‘Biscuit’ looks gorgeous – she’s put weight on and is back to our fluffy little keg!  She seems so content now, so lovely to see her chilling in the garden now instead of balancing fences and swinging up the trees! Not to mention jumping on my 16-year-old cat who took it all in her stride! She’s eating ‘normally’ – not 7 packets of Felix a day! Which I had to do to try and maintain her weight – it was so sad to see her fur looking dull and feeling so light and bony when I picked her up.  You have given her another chance at life and for that I thank you from the bottom of my heart!

At first, she tried the medication and after 6 weeks had a bad reaction and stopped eating and developed jaundice.  It was so scary, I stopped the medication immediately, but we got her back to normal, no jaundice but still hyperthyroid. We considered the operation but with all the pitfalls and fears, gave up on that idea.  I was nervous at first with going down the Radio-iodine route, but 5 minutes of talking to Hannah at The Hyperthyroid Cat Centre, convinced me this is the route to take.  If anyone has ever thought twice about doing this, don’t – it’s wonderful and I would not hesitate to recommend your Centre.  You are all such an amazing team of people, the kindness and warmth that comes across is beyond 1st class and the countless questions I came up with! – you answered them all with professionalism and such care.  Thank you so so much from us and Biscuit, who was a rescue cat and is certainly enjoying another one of her 9 lives from you all.  I will never forget you all!  With love and huge gratitude.